

We believe in the power of prayer in our lives, the church and for our community.

We offer four forms of prayer ministry to those who are in need of the comfort of God about a particular issue in their lives.

Prayer Chain

We receive requests from prayer in person, by phone and email. These are prayed for by our prayer chain.

Prayer Corner

We have a prayer corner next to the organ in church, with candles which people can light in prayer and a prayer board for written prayer requests.

Prayer Ministry after services

At least twice a month, trained members of the prayer ministry team are available to pray with anyone who wishes to ask.

Prayers for the Parish

Members of the clergy team pray morning prayer every morning in church and in their own homes. An important aspect of this prayer is praying through the streets in the parish and for the individuals in our congregation through the month.

For prayers, we hope you find these links useful:

We are always happy to receive your prayer requests which we can forward to our prayer chain.